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Affordable Insurance Options for High-Risk Drivers

Affordable Insurance Options for High-Risk Drivers
You may incur higher auto insurance premiums if you have been classified as a high-risk driver. The specific criteria for being classified as high-risk can vary from province to province, but generally, it includes factors such as multiple tickets, accidents, and policy cancellations. However, there are options to help you find more affordable insurance rates.

1. Driver Training Participation: One way to potentially reduce your high-risk classification is by participating in driver training courses. These courses can help you improve your driving skills and demonstrate to insurance companies that you are committed to becoming a safer driver. By completing a recognized driver training program, you may be able to qualify for lower insurance premiums.

2. Winter Tires Discount: Another strategy for getting more affordable insurance rates as a high-risk driver is by opting to install winter tires. Insurance companies often provide discounts for drivers who use winter tires, as they are proven to enhance safety on winter roads. By taking this step, you can demonstrate your commitment to safer driving and potentially lower your insurance premiums.

3. Telematics App: High-risk drivers may opt to choose an insurance company that offers a Telematics app. This utilizes a person's smartphone and its built-in features like GPS, gyroscope, and time of day to monitor various driving behaviours. Insurers analyze this data to evaluate a driver's risk profile and provide discounts on insurance to those who demonstrate safer driving habits.

4. Working with an Experienced Insurance Broker: Perhaps the most effective way to find affordable insurance rates as a high-risk driver is by working with an experienced insurance broker. Insurance brokers can access multiple insurance companies and shop around on your behalf. They can find available insurance options specifically tailored to high-risk drivers, ensuring you get the coverage you need at the best possible price.

Being classified as a high-risk driver may lead to higher insurance premiums, but there are strategies to minimize these costs. Don't let high-risk classification deter you from getting on the road – explore your options and find the insurance coverage that suits your needs and budget! Reach out to us to learn more: 1-800-679-2460