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Ready to shop for life insurance?

Life Insurance 101

Life insurance is an agreement between you and the insurer that if you die, they will pay a tax-free lump sum benefit to your beneficiary. This could be your spouse, children, other family members or friend. The choice is yours. In exchange, you pay the insurer a small amount of money over time known as a premium.

If your loved ones would be financially impacted if something happens to you, life insurance offers peace of mind.

What is Life Insurance?

Life insurance protects the financial future of the ones you love by paying a tax-free cash benefit to your beneficiaries. This is particularly important if your loved ones would experience financial hardship in the event of your death. This money can help:

  • Pay off loans, debts, mortgages
  • Maintain their lifestyle and pay day-to-day expenses
  • Pay for your children’s education
  • Cover funeral expenses

Quote Request

Life Insurance Calculator


Mortgage Amount:


Funeral/Final Expenses:

Income Replacement Needed:

Childcare Costs:

Estimated Education Costs:

Unsure? Use the RESP calculator on our website.

Total Insurance Required:

What About My Work Plan?

While you may have basic life insurance through work, the coverage may not meet your needs and typically ends when you leave your employer. With your own plan, you’re covered, regardless of what happens with your job. The first step in getting that independent peace of mind is asking for a life insurance quote from a variety of companies.

What do I look for in life insurance quotes?

  • Verify that your information and expectations are relevant to your situation. For example, avoid United States data if you are looking for a life insurance quote in Canada.
  • Check for the correct category of policy.
  • Find quotes from as many different insurance companies as is practical, looking at least three or four.
  • Confirm that each insurer's policy in your desired category has the protections you require.
  • Make sure that your life insurance quotes all have an adequate term duration.
  • Compare quotes that offer the same benefit amount and, ideally, the same supplemental protections.
  • Examine any riders that you could add to the policies and consider the impact that addition would have on your premium.
  • Estimate value by comparing benefit amounts to premium costs.
  • Consult with a financial advisor for detailed advice after narrowing down your choices.


Benefits of Term Life Insurance

  • Term life insurance provides simple and affordable protection for a defined period when insurance needs are high but available funds are limited.
  • In the event of your death, the policy pays a cash benefit, tax-free, to your beneficiaries.
  • The costs never increase for the entire term.
  • Ideal for people who want to ensure debts like mortgages and loans are paid off or children’s education needs are met, or to replace the income so your family can maintain their standard of living.

Term Life Insurance vs Mortgage insurance

There are many reasons why a term life insurance policy is a better choice than mortgage insurance:

  • Premiums - With mortgage insurance, there are no discounts for being a non-smoker or for being healthy. Everyone pays the same premiums.
  • Underwriting - Mortgage companies use “post-claim” underwriting, which means they’ll only decide if you qualify after you pass away, at which point they may decide that you never qualified.
  • Declining Benefit - Mortgage insurance declines as you pay off your mortgage, but the premiums stay the same.
  • Beneficiary - With mortgage insurance, the beneficiary is the bank. With personal term insurance, you assign the beneficiary.
  • Portability - Mortgage insurance is tied to your home. A simple term policy is portable and covers you regardless of who holds your mortgage.
  • Consolidation of coverage - Mortgage insurance only covers your mortgage; a personal term policy can cover all your insurance needs (mortgage, income replacement, education, childcare etc.)

In summary: Life insurance quotes might seem comparable in price to mortgage insurance. However, term life options usually come out on top when you consider the utility and long-term value of the policy versus your premium cost.

Looking for permanent insurance for final expenses, legacy, or funeral costs? Click here.

Participating Life Insurance

Participating life insurance provides lifelong protection, with an opportunity for tax-advantaged cash value growth.

The amount of coverage and annual costs are guaranteed for life, and you may be eligible to receive dividends that can buy more coverage, reduce your premium payments, earn interest inside the policy or be taken out as cash.

Ideal for people who want to supplement their retirement income, help pay for children’s education or increase their death benefit over time to keep pace with inflation.

Universal Life Insurance

Flexible lifelong protection is combined with an investment component that you choose and manage based on your risk profile and objectives

You choose a guaranteed death benefit that will be paid to your beneficiaries.

The money you pay goes into a policy fund that’s used to pay for the cost of your insurance. The remaining balance is invested on a tax-advantaged basis from a variety of investment options.

Ideal for people who have maximized their RRSP contributions, want to enhance their estate for their children and grandchildren or are business owners looking for a tax-efficient way to protect the value of their business.

Universal life insurance quotes in Canada are typically lower than those for whole life, but universal prices can vary considerably. This range of premiums reflects the flexibility of the policies.

Disability Waiver of Premium

This optional benefit is designed to waive the premium if the individual insured under the basic plan becomes totally disabled prior to attaining age 60 and is disabled for 6 consecutive months. Upon receipt of proof of disability, all premiums paid during the 4-month waiting period will be refunded.

Compare Life Insurance Quotes Now!

EasyInsure will help you find the best term life insurance policy without medical tests online within minutes! You can rest easy knowing the financial security of your loved ones is protected.

Now that’s easy!

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