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Creative Ways to Pay it Forward

Creative Ways to Pay it Forward
Pay it Forward Day is Sunday, April 28th. Here are some creative ideas to be kind and spread happiness.

1. Leave positive and encouraging notes in random places for strangers to find.
2. Instead of paying for coffee for the person in line behind you, give this money as a generous tip to the person who serves you.
3. Volunteer at a local charity or organization that could use extra help.
4. Hold a free workshop or class to share your skills or knowledge with others in your community.
5. Plant a community garden or organize a neighbourhood cleanup to beautify your area.
6. Send a care package to someone in need or going through a difficult time.
7. Donate gently used clothes, books, or household items to a local shelter or nonprofit organization.
8. Offer to run errands or assist someone who may be elderly or disabled.
9. Start a fundraiser or donation drive for a cause that is important to you.
10. Simply take the time to listen, lend an empathetic ear, and offer kindness to those around you.

Spread kindness every day! You never know the impact you may have.