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What Insurance Do You Really Need?

What Insurance Do You Really Need?
To determine what type of insurances you need, first you must examine all aspects of your life: This may seem like a daunting task, so before we begin, we’d like to say that obtaining insurance doesn’t have to feel overwhelming.

Our EasyInsure insurance professionals are here for you for whatever you need and every step of the way. Reach out to us at 1-800-679-2640 or email any questions to

In general terms, you need to protect:

The things you own
Yourself and the people you love

Home and auto are rather obvious insurance policies. If you own either, having policies in place are an absolute must.

If you rent your living space, then tenant’s insurance is another must-have. Tenant’s insurance not only protects what you own but also liability you may incur which is not covered by your landlord’s policy.

Health insurance is another must have. Whether you have an employer-sponsored health plan or a plan purchased individually, health insurance is necessary to keep you healthy and protect you in the event of illness or injury.

Disability or long-term care coverage may not be as obvious but is vital. No one expects the unexpected, so everyone needs to be prepared in the event of disability. How would you pay for your living expenses? How could you pay for your children’s education? How could you retire?

Life insurance is crucial if you have people who depend on your income in any way. It’s affordable and easier to obtain than many believe. 

Travel insurance is essential if you travel outside of your province. Even a minor medical emergency can have financially devastating consequences.

Once you understand the basics of what you need to insure, the next step is to establish how much coverage is necessary to protect your things, yourself and the people you love. This is where our expertise comes in. We’d be pleased to discuss your insurance options and help you determine your insurance needs. Reach out to us anytime at 1-800-679-2640 or email your questions to