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Year End To-Do List

Year End To-Do List
It has been a year like none other. We as a nation are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, personal and professional challenges continue for many individuals, families and businesses.

With so much of our future still unknown, mental health professionals recommend taking action to help mitigate anxiety

Here’s a list of to-do’s which can help ensure that the new year starts off great, knowing that you’ve done what you can to bring a sense of order to your life. 

Keep Perspective This Holiday Season

With so many limitations to gatherings and travel this unusal holiday season, we all need to remember what’s important: family, love and kindness. Let go of any feelings of frustrations related to our restrictions and just do the best you can.

Spend your shopping dollars locally when possible and remember that overspending may only result in future financial challenges. 

Health Review

Are you eating well? Getting enough sleep and exercise? Don’t wait until the new year to begin your health journey! Make a plan for a healthier life, share it with your friends and family and start today.  

  • Utilize your health benefits. 
  • Book appointments for vision, dental, chiropractic and massage therapy. 
  • Mindfully reduce stress with meditation, yoga or by practicing gratitude. 
  • If you need help with your mental or physical health or feeding your family: anything, there are resources available, do not hesitate to get help. 
Financial Review

Create a budget based on your current financial situation as well as your worst case scenario.

Review your spending, looking for opportunities to save money. 

Personal Document Organization 

  • Organize your personal documents, such as bank statements, insurance documents, house bills, etc. 
  • Shred and recycle old documents 
  • Update your online passwords 
  • Create a home inventory 
  • Share the location of your important documents and passwords with a trusted person in your life.
What Have You Been Putting Off? 

We all have things that we just don’t want to deal with. Take a few minutes to list things you’ve been putting off, and start crossing these items off your list, including:  

Insurance Considerations 

Have there been changes to your home, your driving habits, travel plans or lifestyle which may affect your insurance premiums? Could you use a little more health coverage? We’re here to help you. Reach out to us at 1-800-679-2640 or email us:

With so many unknowns in our future, you’ll feel better knowing that you are doing your best to control what you can. We wish you health and happiness.