Blog & Articles - EasyInsure

Insurance Fraud – It Costs Us All

Insurance Fraud – It Costs Us All

Canada, like many other countries, has seen instances of insurance fraud across various sectors, including auto insurance, health insurance, property insurance, and more. And insurance fraud costs us all! In Canada, it costs us an estimated 1 billion dollars every year.

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We Need Your Help

We Need Your Help

Here are EasyInsure, we recently changed our online reviews platform - that means we lost hundreds of reviews! We currently have embarrassingly few online reviews - and that’s where we could really use your help.

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Embracing the Last Bit of Winter

Embracing the Last Bit of Winter

Winter…if you’re one of those people who don’t enjoy it, it can be a very long season…snow, shorter days, cold dreary weather. Love it or hate it, it’s part of life here in Canada. We’d like to offer you a few tips to help you get through this last bit of winter.

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Thanks For Your Support

Thanks For Your Support

The team at EasyInsure would like to express our sincerest thanks to those who contributed to our Fourth Annual Can Drive A Success canned and non-perishable food drive.

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