Blog & Articles - EasyInsure

The Advantages of Having an Employee Benefit Plan

The Advantages of Having an Employee Benefit Plan

Many small business owners mistakenly believe they cannot afford to offer an employee benefit plan. While going without benefits may boost your bottom line in the short run, that philosophy may impact your businesses’ chance for long term prosperity.

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Employee Wellness is More Important Now Than Ever

Employee Wellness is More Important Now Than Ever

Employee physical health and mental wellbeing are critical to business success. With disrupted work environments and financial challenges impacting so many businesses, employee wellness is more important now than ever.

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Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness

Workplace wellness isn’t just a buzzword anymore. Employee health and wellness programs have existed for decades now, but today, they are viewed somewhat differently in the workplace. They are quickly becoming game changers and a fundamental strategy for employers with respect to attracting and retaining employees. And as far as wellness programs go, the size of your organization doesn’t matter anymore. All businesses, of all sizes in all industries are facing the same HR challenges, just to different degrees.

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Do you find Employee Benefits Terminology Confusing?

Do you find Employee Benefits Terminology Confusing?

Group Benefits, for the average employee is something they may be lucky enough to have, but can often times be extremely complicated to understand. We are an industry full of “insurance speak” and with an unbelievable amount of acronyms. In today’s environment where employers are shifting some of the costs to employees in an effort to ensure sustainability, it makes sense to have a good understanding of at least the very basics. We call that being a “good consumer”.

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