Blog & Articles - EasyInsure

Quick Winter Travel Tip for Homeowners

Quick Winter Travel Tip for Homeowners

Whether you’re escaping the cold Canadian winter for warmer climates, or heading away on a weekend ski-trip, if you’re a homeowner, you’ll want to do this first!

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Be Proactive – Auto Theft Occurrences are Soaring

Be Proactive – Auto Theft Occurrences are Soaring

There are some dire statistics concerning auto theft in Ontario and Quebec, but there are several precautions you can take to deter auto thieves.

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Ontario Drivers – Check Your Driver’s License Expiry

Ontario Drivers – Check Your Driver’s License Expiry

With the Ontario government no longer mailing out physical notices for expiring licenses, some drivers are finding out the hard way that their license has expired.

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Reducing the Chances of a House Insurance Claim

Reducing the Chances of a House Insurance Claim

Learn the many actions you can take to help reduce the hassle and expense of a potential house insurance claim.

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Your Away Student and Tenant Insurance

Your Away Student and Tenant Insurance

If you have a student living outside of your residence, yes, they need tenant's insurance. Please review these three important facts.

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