Blog & Articles - EasyInsure

Preventing Auto Theft

Preventing Auto Theft

On average, a vehicle is stolen every 6 minutes in Canada. This equates to tens of thousands of vehicles per year. Review these tips to learn how you can help prevent auto theft.

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Protect Your Family, Guests and Home This Winter

Protect Your Family, Guests and Home This Winter

Canadians experience unique challenges when it comes to protecting their homes, family and guests, particularly during the winter months. Here are some tips for you.

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Save Money - Fuel Efficiency Tips

Save Money - Fuel Efficiency Tips

Driving with fuel efficiency in mind not only helps you save money, but it also makes you a more aware driver, benefitting the environment, the life of your vehicle and those with whom you share the road.

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Take Action on Radon – November is Radon Awareness Month

Take Action on Radon – November is Radon Awareness Month

Radon is an odourless gas, occurring across the country and is the second leading cause of lung cancer in Canadians. Take action this month to protect your family.

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Act Now to Prepare Your Home’s Exterior for Winter

Act Now to Prepare Your Home’s Exterior for Winter

Like it or not, winter is coming! Now is the best time to prepare your home and property for the cold winter months ahead.

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