Blog & Articles - EasyInsure

The Consequences of Missing Insurance Payments

The Consequences of Missing Insurance Payments

What happens if you miss an insurance payment? What are the consequences of non-payment? How can you avoid cancellation of an insurance policy?

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Ghost Brokers – Be Aware of This Insurance Fraud

Ghost Brokers – Be Aware of This Insurance Fraud

This type of insurance fraud leaves well intentioned victims believing they have insurance, when they actually don’t have insurance coverage for their auto, home or other insurance needs.

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Determining Auto Insurance Premiums Including Auto Theft

Determining Auto Insurance Premiums Including Auto Theft

Auto theft rates in Ontario have been on the rise in recent years, and this trend can have a direct impact on your car insurance rates. Insurance companies take into account various factors when determining premiums, and the frequency of thefts in your area is one of them.

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Affordable Insurance Options for High-Risk Drivers

Affordable Insurance Options for High-Risk Drivers

If you have been classified as a high-risk driver, you may incur higher auto insurance premiums. However, there are options to help you find more affordable insurance rates.

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A Home Inventory - Invaluable in the Event of a Claim

A Home Inventory - Invaluable in the Event of a Claim

If your property or contents are damaged, your home inventory will prove invaluable during this time to help expedite the claims process.

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